My apartment is painted white. Ev-er-y-thing is painted white. The walls. The doorknobs. The outlets. Everything. My theory is that every single time someone moves out (they have 6-month leases and month-to-month after that, so I think there's high turnover) they just douse the whole place in another coat of white paint.
Which is why my walls are lumpy. Have you heard of cottage cheese ceilings? That's what my walls are like. There's one lump in particular on the west wall, about three feet high, that drives Stokely absolutely bonkers. Just about every day he launches himself at it repeatedly -- making contact with it for just a fraction of a second before gravity sucks him back down -- until he tires himself out. It's absolutely ridiculous!
One day after watching him do this a few times I picked him up and held him in front of the lump on the wall, trying to give him the opportunity to connect with it the way he seemed to be so desperate to do. He couldn't have cared less! It was like he didn't even recognize the object of his own fixation.
He still jumps at it daily. I don't understand. It's one of hundreds of lumps. But it's his favorite.